David Gentile

“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” -Buddha

Hello, I am a strength coach and manual therapist who has a deep passion for cultivating health and promoting optimal wellbeing through holistic practices. Through my extensive expertise in rehabilitation, strength and conditioning as well as performacne psychology,  I specialize in working with individuals to address their unique health concerns and increase vitality through personalized nutrition and lifestyle guidance. This includes coaching that teaches them how to attain balance and harmonious living so that they can progress in their own personal evolution and journey through life in the healthiest way possible. 

In addition to my work as a personal trainer and manual therapist, I am also a skilled meditation and breathwork coach. I believe that cultivating mindfulness and intentional breathing practices can greatly enhance overall health and wellbeing, and I incorporate these techniques into my training programs to help my clients achieve their fullest potential. Along with my classical education I possess over 60 different certifications in the fields of Sports Performance and Rehabilitation. I have traveled the world in search of the best coaches and mentors in the field of performance and rehabilitation. As a result of my learning I have been given the opportunity to coach athletes at the Professional Level (NFL, MLB, PGA, UFC) as well as countless Collegiate athletes.

Whether you are an athlete looking to improve performance, recovering from an injury, or simply seeking to optimize your health and vitality, I am here to guide and support you on your journey towards greater physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.  Additionally, I'm an avid writer and enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. Let's work together to create a personalized plan that meets your unique needs and helps you achieve your goals.

My Approach

I do my best to approach everybody I work with as a unique individual. I strive to see them as human beings first and believe everyone deserves to be met at the level of their own development, then pushed mentally and physically to a point where they begin to believe in themselves implicitly. My approach revolves primarily around helping each person I work with to better their relationship with themselves. Once that happens everything falls into place and results happen naturally.

How you’ll feel

more confident and clearheaded with increased energy and deeper sleep

Proven success

  • Pam Mullins

    David has helped me to make total body and mind changes. My professional career and personal life have improved 100%. I feel better, sleep more soundly, and eat much healthier than I ever have before. I am more confident in all aspects of my life!

  • Haley Garcia

    When I started working with David I was so surprised at how quickly David was able to pinpoint the root cause of my pain and how fast I saw results! David is the utmost professional and is extremely focused helping his clients. His ability to listen and communicate immediately puts you at ease and his level of education on holistic wellness far exceeds anyone I’ve ever worked with and over the years I’ve tried many. He is also one of the kindest and attentive humans I’ve ever met which lends to his ability to coach and train you beyond expectations.

  • Phillip Deprang

    Due to David working with me I have been able stay competitive in my age group as a triathlete. He has incredible knowledge of the body and muscle physiology. I am far more flexible and in far less pain due to the exercises and stretches that he guides me through. I am blessed and thankful for David working with me.

  • Lauren Darden

    I’ve always lived an extremely active lifestyle and have a very active job. Due to continuous bouts of severe low back pain I wasn’t able to do the things I enjoyed. After going to countless chiropractors and orthopedists I was so grateful to finally find something that actually worked. I’m finally back to doing things I love without the fear of hurting myself. David has made such a huge difference in my life.

  • Julie Perugini

    My friend Laurie referred me to David. I had been struggling with a lot of inflammation, arthritis in my hips and in general exhaustion and pain that kept me from doing the things that I like to do.

    I hoped to get back to feeling well and get back to activities like running and playing tennis pain free.

    I first went to a rheumatologist who said I was suffering from a mixed connective tissue disorder and arthritis in my hips. She sent me to an orthopedist and they recommended anti inflammatory medication and physical therapy which was slow and provided very little relief.

    I went and did this first because my insurance would cover it. I expressed my frustration to a friend of mine and she recommended David to me. Her sister had been a client of his and had similar issues as mine. He taught me certain exercises over a series of weeks that helped to rebuild strength and flexibility in areas that I had broken down. I almost immediately felt relief.

    Since then I’ve learned that constant running and playing high impact sports can break down your body after a while and it’s important to do exercises that reverse some of that damage and to do exercises that build muscles that support your body so that you can continue to do the activities you love .

    I was very surprised to find that some simple routine exercise can prevent injury if practiced regularly before activities.

    I continue to train with David on and off and continue to practice the exercises he taught me and I have sent lots of my friends and family to see him and I have never heard of anyone who didn’t benefit from working with him.

  • Lisa Nickel

    My brother-in-law recommended David. One of the other doctors in his practice raved about how David helped strengthen her lungs and enhance her overall health after suffering from emphysema. I had been searching for over a decade for relief from back pain.

    I hoped that David would help me identify the source of the pain and resolve it. I was skeptical that a holistic health and strength coach would have the expertise to address my issues after chiropractors, Airrosti practitioners, and pain management doctors were only able to temporarily address the issues. I felt that I had tried all other options and valued my BIL’s recommendation. Why not give it a try? I was a little intimidated at first. David is so strong and healthy. But, he has a very gentle, encouraging, and patient way of motivating. David asked that I work with him and implement his advice for at least 6 weeks. He identified areas of weakness and carefully strengthened my core. As I grew stronger and learned how to care for my back, I wanted to keep building.

    David has an intuitive way of understanding how a person will respond and adjusts his style very specifically to each individual. I recommended David to my mother and brother who had very different issues. My mom was so nervous and intimidated, but she absolutely adores David and is so appreciative of how patient and kind he was in helping her try things she never imagined she could accomplish. I was very surprised by David’s vast knowledge of all aspects of the human body; skeletal, musculature, myofascial, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, etc. He has an acute understanding of how all these systems function together. Whereas other specialists focus on one system, David addresses all systems holistically.

    I’ve worked with David for three years and continue to be amazed at his knowledge and understanding of overall wellness. He not only understands physical wellbeing, but mental and emotional wellbeing – a truly holistic approach to overall health. When my teenage daughter was going through a period of anxiety and insomnia, he worked with her in developing a healthy mental focus. I was amazed at how well she responded to his direction and learned how to relax and focus her thoughts in a constructive and positive way. David taught me that Self-care is a life-long journey. It’s never too late to start. Well-being requires diligence and patience, and the benefits are reaped in every aspect of your life.

    I feel the healthiest that I’ve been in my whole life. I have energy, strength, flexibility and feel so encouraged and positive each time I work with David. He continues to challenge me to improve, even after three years of coaching and training.

  • Marie Berthiaux

    When I reached out to David, I was recovering from my second knee surgery and was looking for a fitness coach to help me train in a way that was safe in my recovery. I was also looking for a coach who could help with injury prevention and teach me ways to work out that would be good long-term through my return to sport.

    He was very professional and knowledgeable during the first session (evaluation) and this made me confident in his ability to help me reach my personal rehabilitation and fitness goals. I chose working with David over other options such as a gym membership because I had very limited experience with training other than in specific sports. I have been involved in sports all of my life, but have always been more experienced and involved with cardio/agility and endurance workouts. I felt as though I needed more personalized experience/interaction with a strength coach to teach me the correct and most optimal ways to weight train/workout.

    I honestly never thought I could like lifting weights and doing intense strengthening workouts. I have always been intimidated by weight training and never felt inclined to pursue those kinds of workouts, which is why it is quite surprising that now I look forward to lifting weights and seeing how I can push myself in each workout. Working with David has exceeded my expectations in acquiring a love for strength training and really shown me a different side to fitness that doesn’t solely involve cardio and endurance workouts.

    David has taught me to appreciate weight training and guided me in building a healthier relationship with working out and other aspects of my life such as nutrition, sleep, and my injury rehabilitation. Throughout my high school career, I had a ‘toxic’ relationship with working out and working with David has helped we restructure my views on working out and my kinship with food. Strengthening workouts always used to scare me and now I look forward to strength training and seeing what I can push myself to do. He has a large extent of knowledge in a lot of domains and is always open to answering any questions I might have about fitness/nutrition/injury prevention which has helped me perform my best during the workout sessions and through at-home workouts as well.

    David has had a really positive and influential impact on my life, health and sports performance goals. I have seen a big difference in my fitness abilities and have definitely gotten a lot stronger since working with him. He has helped me develop both as an athlete and person. I have grown in my body awareness when I train and found new ways to work out, even while rehabbing my knee through surgery. David helped me develop workout plans to do at home in addition to our workout sessions and has been a great supporter through my recovery. I am super grateful for everything he has taught me.